エクサウィザーズ Engineer Blog







  • 異常検知では、明示的な正解ラベルを学習に用いない教師なし学習が主流である。
  • 時系列中に2つの区間を設け、その中でモデル化を行いつつ区間をスライドさせるのが基本的な考え方である。
  • 区間の長さにより、大きくは外れ値検知・変化点検知に分けられる。
    • 両者ともに、時系列依存の有無の観点で分けることも可能である。

今回は外れ値検知・変化点検知について、より具体的なアプローチについて述べていきたいと思います。 また両者のタスクに関して時系列依存する・しない場合についても、それぞれ述べたいと思います。



時系列依存しない外れ値検知では、参照区間の統計量を基にする方法が考えられます。 例えば「評価区間の値 > 参照区間の平均値×α となった場合、評価区間の値が異常である」といったものです。 これにより、参照区間の平均から極端に上振れしたものを異常として捉えることができます。シンプルすぎると思われるかもしれませんが、問題設定(何を異常とするか?)によってはこれだけで充分検知できる場合も多いです。 またαはハイパーパラメータのようなもので、分析者が設定します。値が小さいほど検知の感度は高くなります。

上記のロジックに加えて「ばらつき」の考え方を取り入れたい場合は、「評価区間の値 > 参照区間内の平均値 + 参照区間内の標準偏差×α となった場合、評価区間の値が異常である」といったロジックも考えることができます。 このようにすることで、例えば参照区間のばらつきが大きい場合は異常と判定させにくくするといったコントロールができるようになります。

このばらつきも考慮したロジックを用いて、下記の実験用の時系列データに対して外れ値検知を行うと、以下のような結果になりました。 参照区間の幅は90、α=4としています。




前回でも述べましたが、時系列依存する場合は時系列予測系のモデルを用いる方が適しています。 参照区間でフィッティングを行ったモデルで評価点を予測し、得られた予測値と実測値との誤差が大きい場合に異常と判定するやり方です。 例えば、「(予測値-実測値)の2乗を異常度とし、その異常度が閾値を超えた場合に異常とする」といった方法です。

この方法は参照区間と評価区間をずらしながら都度モデルを作るので計算コストが大きくなるという難点があります。 これを解消するために、近年ではオンライン忘却アルゴリズムを備えたChangeFinderが登場しています。 パラメータの計算をオンライン処理で行うので、計算時間が比較的少ないのが特徴です。



時系列依存しない変化点検知では、参照区間と評価区間の統計量を用いる方法が考えられます。 例えば「評価区間内の平均値 > 参照区間内の平均値 + 参照区間内の標準偏差×α となった場合、参照区間と評価区間の間が変化点である」といったものです。 値のベースラインが変わるような「明らかにわかる変化」に対しての検知に適しています。

このロジックを用いて、下記の実験用の時系列データに対して変化点検知を行うと、以下のような結果になりました。 参照区間の幅は90、評価区間の幅は7、α=2.5としています。 f:id:t-fukunari:20210520235012p:plain

緑の線は、モデルが検知した変化点です。 値が全体的に増えた箇所に対して検知できていることが確認できます。




ひとつは、AutoEncoderの再構成誤差を用いる方法です。参照区間の時系列を再構成するように学習を行うことで、 推論時において再構成誤差が大きくなるような時系列は異常であるという考え方です。 前回の記事でも少し紹介した、参照区間を固定して評価区間のみスライドする方法になります。


学習フェーズでは、参照区間の時系列データに対して部分時系列を作成します。ウィンドウをずらしながら細切れの時系列を作成するイメージです。 この部分時系列を入力として、同じものを出力させるようにAutoEncoderで学習させます。 このとき、十分な学習データを得るために、参照区間は充分長めに取る必要があることに注意してください。


推論フェーズでは、評価区間内の時系列を学習済みモデルに入力して、再構成誤差を計算します。 これを評価区間をスライドさせながら繰り返し行うことで、各区間における再構成誤差が得られます。 そして、設定した閾値を再構成誤差が超えたときに変化点検知を行います。


潜在ベクトル + 外れ値検知

もう一つは、参照区間内の複数の部分時系列を次元圧縮した潜在ベクトル群と評価区間を次元圧縮した潜在ベクトルを比較して、「外れ値検知」的に検出する方法です。 以下ではAutoEncoderを用いて得られた潜在ベクトルを用いたアプローチを紹介します。 学習フェーズと推論フェーズの2つに分けて述べていきます。

学習フェーズでは、先ほどの再構成誤差の場合と同様に時系列データに対して部分時系列を作成し、AutoEncoderで学習させます。 ただ先ほどと異なるのが、参照区間等を意識せずに過去すべての時系列データで学習させる点です。 変化点以後のデータの特徴も抽出できるモデルである必要があるためです。

ここで興味があるのはこの中間にある潜在ベクトルです。 部分時系列の特徴が圧縮されたベクトルであると考えられるためです。 「圧縮」なので、ここでは、部分時系列の長さを潜在ベクトルの次元数よりも大きくする必要があります。

推論フェーズでは、上記で学習したEncoderを用います。 参照区間内で複数の部分時系列が得られるので、それらをこのEncoderに入力して複数の潜在ベクトルを得ます。 そして評価区間内の部分時系列からも同様に潜在ベクトルを得ます。 評価区間から1つの潜在ベクトルを得るため、ここでは、評価区間の長さ=部分時系列の長さにする必要があります。

あとは、潜在ベクトル空間においてk近傍法やOne-Class SVMなどで外れ値となるような評価区間を検知することで、最終的に変化点検知を行います。 潜在ベクトルで外れ値検知を行うので、区間の長さの目安としては、参照区間の長さが評価区間の長さの10倍以上になっている必要があります。




  • 時系列依存しない外れ値検知では、参照区間の統計量を用いる。
  • 時系列依存する外れ値検知では、ChangeFinderのような時系列予測モデルを用いる。
  • 時系列依存しない変化点検知では、参照区間・評価区間の統計量を用いる。
  • 時系列依存する変化点検知では、再構成誤差を用いるか、潜在ベクトルに対する外れ値検知を行う。




ExaWizards Engineer Blogでは、AIなどの技術情報を発信していきます。ぜひフォローをよろしくお願いします!

Continuous delivery of iOS using GitHub Actions + Fastlane, complete on GitHub


The Japanese version of this blog post can be found here:


Hello, I'm Tadashi Nemoto from the Platform Engineering team(previously DevOps team).

In the last article, I introduced how to improve an API / Frontend deployment flow using GitHub Actions + GitLab Flow.


I also improved the continuous delivery process of an iOS app by using GitHub Actions, and I would like to introduce it in this article.

I believe this continuous delivery can be applied not only to iOS, but also to Android and other multi-platform frameworks such as Flutter.

Adoption of Git Flow・Brief explanation of Git Flow

In the last article, I mentioned that we adopted GitLab Flow for our API / Frontend deployment flow and branching strategy.

However, I thought that GitLab Flow or GitHub Flow would be incompatible with our mobile release process because of the following factors:

  • We need to update the version number for each release.
  • A review from Apple / Google is needed for each release, so we cannot release all the time

On the other hand, some companies use trunk-based development as the release flow for mobile apps.

However, trunk-based development more suitable for relatively large-scale app development and deployment schedules, such as releasing once a week, and I thought that it did not match the current state of our mobile development.

For the above reasons, I chose Git Flow, for our mobile app deployment flow branching strategy.


To make the rest of this explanation easier to understand, let's take a brief look at Git Flow.


① Create a feature branch from the develop branch when you add a new feature. When its task and review are done, merge this to the develop branch.


② Create a release branch from the develop branch when it's ready for preparing the release.


③ After some checks and modifications on the release branch, merge this to the develop・master branches.


④ After merging the release branch to the master branch, add a tag and release to production (For mobile development, submit the app to Apple Store Connect)


⑤ If there are fatal bugs after release, hotfix release. First, create a hotfix release branch from the master branch.


⑥ When you have finished fixing and checking on the release branch for the hotfix and are ready to release, merge it into the master・develop branch and release it again to the production environment.


In the next section, I'll explain how we achieved continuous delivery within this Git Flow.

Continuous Delivery of iOS using GitHub Actions + Fastlane

Create release branch and Pull Requests

When the development on the develop branch described in ① has progressed and you are ready to release, you can create the release branch described in ②.

Create release branch

Release branches are often created manually, but in this case, I was able to automate the process by using GitHub Actions + Fastlane.

First of all, we want to use Semantic Versioning to specify the release version.

With Semantic Versioning, we can regularize the versioning of releases by a Major, Minor, and Patch version increase. (I won’t explain Semantic Versioning in-depth here, as it's already explained well on other websites).

Semantic Versioning

Fastlane provides an Action called increment_version_number and it increments the version number bypassing parameters(Major, Minor, Patch).

And below Fastlane will do the followings:

  • Increment the version number based on Semantic Versioning and commit files.
  • Create a release branch and push to GitHub
  • Create a Pull Request to the master and develop branches


Currently, increment_version_number only supports iOS, the below article describes how to increment version number automatically for Android.

Automating semantic versioning model in mobile releases | ThoughtWorks

Finally, we'll make this Fastlane run via GitHub Actions


There are several types of workflow triggers in GitHub Actions, but in this case, we will use workflow_dispatch, which can be triggered manually from the GitHub Action UI, since we want to be able to run at any time.

Events that trigger workflows - GitHub Docs

Also since workflow_dispatch also accepts arguments, we can pass Major or Minor for this upgrade (Patch is only used for hotfix releases, so we won't use it here).

workflow_dispatch on GitHub Actions

By doing this, I was able to automate the process of updating the release version and creating release branches and pull requests by triggering the workflow by specifying Major or Minor in the GitHub Actions UI.

Pull Requests to master・develop branches

File diff for version updates

Merging two Pull Requests at the same time

In the previous step, two pull requests were automatically created from the release branch to the master・develop branches.

Then, as explained in section ③, when the release branch is ready to be released, you can merge it into the master・develop branches.


Of course, you can merge the two pull requests manually, but there is a possibility that you might forget to merge one of them.

To merge the two pull requests at the same time without forgetting, I created the following GitHub Actions workflow.


This workflow allows you to merge two pull requests for the develop and master branches at the same time if you add the label release to the pull request.


Creating a Tag & GitHub Release, submit App Store Connect

When the release branch is merged into the develop・master branches and a new commit is made in the master branch, you can create a tag and release it to the production environment as described in ⑤ in Git Flow. In the case of iOS development, this is often the time to submit to App Store Connect.


Creating a Tag & GitHub Release triggered by a commit to the master branch can be automated with the following GitHub Actions.


Creating Tag & GitHub Release

We will also build and upload the release version of the app to App Store Connect at this time.


Here we are utilizing Fastlane's Deliver Action.

The Deliver Action allows you to not only upload to Apple Store Connect, but also upload metadata screenshots, submit, and automatically release after approval.

Hotfix release

The above is the normal release flow.

In addition to the regular release flow, we will conduct a hotfix release if a serious bug is found after the release.

Follow the steps ⑤ and ⑥ to create a release branch for the hotfix from the master branch, and then merge it into the master/develop branch for release.


When we do a hotfix release, we follow Semantic Versioning and update only the Patch part (x.x.0 → x.x.1).


Then, in GitHub Actions, checkouts from the master branch create a release branch and Pull requests.


Then, after the fix and confirmation on the hotfix release branch is done, you can do the same thing as a normal release

  • Add the label release to the Pull Request and merge it into the master・develop branch.
  • After the commit is made on the master branch, a Tag & GitHub Release is automatically created, and the release version app is submitted to App Store Connect.

【Optional】Distribute debug app (Firebase App Distribution)

Although not directly related to Git Flow, I will also briefly explain how to use GitHub Actions to distribute debug apps.

To check the behavior of the application before release, we often use the following services to distribute and check the debug version of the application.

You can automate the building and uploading of the debug version of your app using GitHub Actions.

With Git Flow, you can trigger it when you finish feature development on the feature branch and merge it into the develop branch, or when you commit to the release branch.


The workflow in GitHub Actions is as follows.


In the above workflow, we have a workflow_dispatch as a trigger, in addition to committing to a specific branch.

When you are developing a feature in ①, you may often find yourself in a situation where you don't want to merge it into the develop/release branch yet, but you want to build and distribute a specific feature branch.


You can specify the branch and trigger workflow in GitHub Actions page, using workflow_dispatch.



Finally, I'll summarize the steps I've taken so far in using GitHub Actions for iOS continuous delivery.

【Normal release flow】

  1. Create a feature branch, merge it into the develop branch

  2. When you are ready to prepare the next release, go to the GitHub Actions page and trigger the workflow for preparing the next release. You should choose the bump type parameter(major or minor). f:id:tadashi-nemoto0713:20210314171333p:plain

  3. GitHub Actions checks out the develop branch, bumps the version based on the parameter, creates a release branch, and creates Pull Requests to develop・master branches. f:id:tadashi-nemoto0713:20210312183859p:plain

  4. At this time, the debug version of the app will be built and distributed to Firebase App Distribution, so you can check its behavior with actual devices.

  5. When it is time to release, Add the label release to Pull Request and merge it into the develop・master branches at the same time. f:id:tadashi-nemoto0713:20210314132857p:plain

  6. Commits are made to the master branch, automatic Tag & GitHub Release creation, and submission to App Store Connect. f:id:tadashi-nemoto0713:20210314172613p:plain

【Hotfix release flow】

  1. When you're ready to prepare a hotfix release, run the hotfix release preparation workflow from the GitHub Actions UI
  2. Update the release version (Patch), create a release branch, and create Pull Requests to the master・develop branch.
  3. Commit the bug fix to the above release branch.
  4. Each commit to the release branch automatically builds a debug version of the app and distributes it to Firebase App Distribution, so you can check how it works on an actual device.
  5. Once the fix is confirmed, Add the label release to Pull Request and merge it into the develop and master branches at the same time.
  6. Commits are made to the master branch, and a Tag and GitHub Release are automatically created and submitted to App Store Connect.

This has allowed us to complete most of the work required for the release on GitHub! (Depending on how much of the work to Apple Store Connect is automated by Fastlane's Deliver action.)

While releases in mobile app development tend to be less frequent than API and front-end development, there is a lot of work that needs to be done for a release.

With this continuous delivery process, I hope to become:

  • Able to release app improvements to the market with more agility
  • More focused on product development itself



GitHub 上で完結する、GitHub Actions + Fastlane をフル活用した iOS の継続的デリバリー


Platform Engineer (旧 DevOps Engineer) の 根本 征 です。

前回は GitHub Actions + GitLab Flow を使った API / Frontend のデプロイフローの改善について紹介しました。


iOS の継続的デリバリーも GitHub Actions を活用して改善することができたので、今回はその内容を紹介したいと思います。

iOS のみならず、Android 開発 や Flutter などのマルチプラットフォーム開発での継続的デリバリーにも応用できると考えています。

Git Flow の採用・Git Flow の簡単な説明

前回の記事では、API / Frontend のデプロイフロー・ブランチ戦略において GitLab Flow を採用したと述べました。 しかしモバイルアプリのリリースには、下記の要素があり GitLab Flow や GitHub Flow と相性が悪いと考えました。

  • リリース毎に App Store Connect / Google Play Console で市場に出ているバージョンより上げる必要がある
  • リリースには審査が必要になり、恣意的にいつでもリリースできる状況ではない

また、モバイルアプリのリリースフローとしては他にトランクベース開発などを採用しているプロダクトもあると思います。 しかしトランクベース開発は、1週に1回必ずリリースするなどという比較的大規模な開発向きで、弊社のモバイル開発の現状とは合わないと考えました。

上記の理由から今回は、モバイルアプリのデプロイフロー・ブランチ戦略で多く採用されている Git Flow を採用しました。


この後の説明をより理解しやすくするために、簡単に Git Flow について説明します。

① 機能実装をする際は、develop ブランチから feature ブランチを作成し、作業を開始します。作業・レビューが完了したら develop ブランチに merge します。


② リリースの準備を行う段階で、develop ブランチから release ブランチを作成します。


③ release ブランチでリリースに必要な確認・修正を行い、リリースできる状態になったら master・develop ブランチに merge します。


④ リリースブランチを master ブランチに merge 後、Tag を付けて本番環境などにリリースします(モバイル開発だと App Store Connect / Google Play Console に申請)。


⑤ リリース後に深刻なバグが発見された場合には、Hotfix リリースを行います。master ブランチから Hotfix 用のリリースブランチを作成します。


⑥ Hotfix 用のリリースブランチ上で修正・確認が終わり、リリースできる状態になったら master・develop ブランチに merge して本番環境などに再度リリースします。


次からは、この Git Flow の中でどのように継続的デリバリーを実現したかについて解説します。


リリースブランチ・Pull Request の作成

① での develop ブランチ上での開発が進み、リリースの準備をするタイミングで ② で説明したリリースブランチの作成 を行います。


リリースブランチは手元で手動で作成することが多いのですが、今回は GitHub Actions + Fastlane を活用して自動化することができました。

まず、リリースバージョンの上げ方を Semantic Versioning に従います。Semantic Versioning 自体についてはここでは深く解説しませんが、Major・Minor・Patch によってバージョンの上げ方を規則化させることができます。

Semantic Versioning

Fastlane には increment_version_number という Action があり、Major・Minor・Patch のいずれかを引数に渡してあげることで、Semantic Versioning に基づいてバージョンを上げてくれます。

そして、下記の Fastlane によって

  • Semantic Versioning を使ったリリースバージョンのアップデート、ファイルのコミット
  • リリースブランチの作成、GitHub への Push
  • master・develop ブランチへの Pull Request の作成



increment_version_number の Fastlane Action 自体は現在 iOS のみ提供されていますが、下記の記事で Android での事例が紹介されていますので、参考にしてもらえればと思います。

Automating semantic versioning model in mobile releases | ThoughtWorks

最後にこの Fastlane を GitHub Actions 経由で実行させるようにします。


GitHub Actions では様々なワークフローのトリガーの種類がありますが、今回は任意のタイミングで実行させたいため、GitHub Action のUIから 手動でトリガーすることができる workflow_dispatch を利用します。

ワークフローをトリガーするイベント - GitHub Docs

workflow_dispatch では引数も与えることができるため、今回のバージョンアップは Major か Minor か渡せるようにします(Patch は Hotfix リリースのみに使うためここでは使いません)。

これによって、GitHub Actions の UI から Major か Minor を指定してワークフローをトリガーしてあげることによって、リリースバージョンのアップデート、リリースブランチ・Pull Request の作成まで自動化することができました。

GitHub Actions で workflow_dispatch を実行する

master・develop ブランチに向けられた Pull Request


2つのリリース Pull Request を同時に merge する

先程のステップで、リリースブランチから master・develop ブランチに向けた 2 つの Pull Request が自動で作成されました。 そして ③ で説明した 通り、リリースブランチがリリースできる状態になったら master・develop ブランチに merge します。


もちろん手動で 2 つの Pull Request を merge することもできますが、どちらかを merge し忘れるという可能性が出てきます。 忘れることなく同時にこの 2 つの Pull Request を merge させるために、以下の GitHub Actions を作成しました。


この GitHub Actions によって、Pull Request に release という label を付けたら、develop と master ブランチに向けられた2つの Pull Request を同時に merge することができます。


Tag & GitHub Release の作成、App Store Connect へ申請

リリースブランチが develop・master ブランチに merge され、master ブランチに新しいコミットが入ると、Git Flow では ⑤ で述べた Tag の作成 & 本番環境へのリリース を行います。 iOS 開発の場合、このタイミングで App Store Connect に申請を出す(サブミット)ことが多いです。


master ブランチへのコミットをトリガーに Tag & GitHub Release の作成は下記の GitHub Actions で自動化することができます。


Tag & GitHub Release の作成

また、このタイミングでリリース版アプリのビルド・App Store Connect へのアップロードを行います。


ここでは Fastlane の Deliver Action を活用しています。

Deliver Action の設定によって、Apple Store Connect へのアップロードだけでなく、メタデータ・スクリーンショットのアップロード、申請(サブミット)、承認後の自動リリースまで行うことができます。

Hotfix リリース


通常のリリース以外に、リリース後に深刻なバグが発見された場合には Hotfix リリースを行います。 ⑤ と ⑥ の Step に従って、master ブランチから Hotfix 用のリリースブランチを作成をし、修正後 master・develop ブランチに merge してリリースします。


Hotfix リリースを行う際には、Semantic Versioning に従って Patch(x.x.0 → x.x.1) のみのアップデートになります。


そして、GitHub Actions では master ブランチからチェックアウトし、Hotfix 用のリリースブランチ・Pull Request の作成が行われるようにします。


その後、Hotfix 用のリリースブランチ上で修正・確認が終わった後は、通常のリリースと同じく

  • Pull Request に release の label を付け、master・develop ブランチに merge
  • master ブランチにコミットが入り、自動で Tag & GitHub Release の作成、そして App Store Connect へ申請


【任意】検証版アプリの配布(Firebase App Distribution)

Git Flow とは直接関係しませんが、GitHub Actions を使った検証版アプリの配布についても簡単に解説します。


そして、検証版アプリのビルド・アップロード作業を GitHub Actions を使って自動化することができます。 Git Flow だと ① の feature ブランチでの機能開発が終わって develop ブランチに merge した際 や、リリースブランチにコミットがあった際にトリガーするのがよさそうです。


GitHub Actions でのワークフローは下記のようになります。


上記のワークフローでは、トリガーとして特定のブランチへのコミットの他に、workflow_dispatch を用意しています。

① での機能開発の最中に、「develop・release ブランチにまだ merge したくないけど特定の feature ブランチをビルド・配布したい」という状況はよく起こると思います。


GitHub Actions の workflow_dispatch を使うことで、GitHub Actions の UI からブランチを指定した上で手動でトリガーすることが可能です。



最後にこれまでの GitHub Actions を活用した継続的デリバリーの手順をまとめます。


  1. feature ブランチを作成, develop ブランチにマージ

  2. リリースを準備するタイミングで GitHub Actions の UI から、リリース準備のためのワークフローを実行(Major か Minor を選択) f:id:tadashi-nemoto0713:20210314171333p:plain

  3. リリースバージョンのアップデート(Major か Minor)、リリースブランチの作成、master・develop ブランチへの Pull Request の作成がされる f:id:tadashi-nemoto0713:20210312183859p:plain

  4. このタイミングで、検証版アプリのビルド・Firebase App Distribution への配布もされるため、実機などで動作確認をする

  5. リリースできるタイミングになったら、Pull Request に release の label を付け、develop・master ブランチへ同時に merge される f:id:tadashi-nemoto0713:20210314132857p:plain

  6. master ブランチにコミットが入り、自動で Tag & GitHub Release の作成、そして App Store Connect へ申請される f:id:tadashi-nemoto0713:20210314172613p:plain

【Hotfix リリース】

  1. Hotfix リリースを準備するタイミングで GitHub Actions の UI から、Hotfix リリース準備のためのワークフローを実行
  2. リリースバージョンのアップデート(Patch)、リリースブランチの作成、master・develop ブランチへの Pull Request の作成がされる
  3. 上記のリリースブランチに対して不具合修正をコミットする
  4. リリースブランチへのコミット毎に自動で検証版アプリのビルド・Firebase App Distribution へ配布されるので、実機などで動作確認
  5. 修正を確認したら、Pull Request に release の label を付け、develop・master ブランチへ同時に merge される
  6. master ブランチにコミットが入り、自動で Tag & GitHub Release の作成、そして App Store Connect へ申請される

(Fastlane の Deliver アクションによって、Appl Store Connect への作業をどのぐらい自動化するかにもよりますが)



  • より俊敏にアプリの改善を市場にリリースできるようになる
  • 開発者がプロダクト開発によりフォーカスできるようになる




Improving Continuous Delivery with GitLab Flow + GitHub Actions


The Japanese version of this blog post can be found here:


Hello, I'm Tadashi Nemoto from the DevOps team.

In this article, I will demonstrate how to improve deployment flows using GitHub Actions.

Standard deployment flows and their problems

Although it varies by departments and services, current deployment flows are as follows.

  • Three environments
    • develop environment
    • staging environment
    • production environment
  • Git Flow as a branching strategy
  • CI / CD using Jenkins
    • develop and staging environments → Deploy with branch updates
    • production environment → Software engineers or DevOps engineers deploy by specifying a tag


Git Flow works well for large scale development or projects with fixed release timing (e.g. iOS / Android work).

However, I have found it to be less beneficial for small to medium scale projects where the release windows tend to be arbitrarily decided (such as in API / Frontend work).

On the other hand, Git Flow involves more complex branch management (having to maintain release and hotfix branches for example) than others, and I have thought that this is not suitable for deploying to production frequently.

Therefore, I wanted to achieve the following goals by improving deployment flows.

  • Enable small, autonomous deployments → Increase deployment frequency
  • Simplify branch management and deployment strategies

How about GitHub Flow?

I think GitHub Flow is often used as an alternative to Git Flow.

GitHub Flow is a branching strategy that is actually used in the development of GitHub services, and I initially looked into it as a possibility for this project.

GitHub Flow only has a master(main) branch and a feature branch, allowing for simpler branch management.

GitHub Flow(From Understanding the GitHub flow)

The master branch is considered to be a branch that can be deployed to the production environment at any time, and there are many examples of deploying to the production environment triggered by push.

This GitHub Flow seems to be able to solve the problem I mentioned earlier, but I thought having a verification environment before release might cause a problem.

As mentioned earlier, in GitHub Flow, the master branch is considered to be the branch that can be deployed to the production environment at any time.

Therefore, each feature branch needs to be used for verification before release.

Problem of verification environment in GitHub Flow
(From Introduction to GitLab Flow)

And if you have multiple feature branches / pull requests, you will need to take the following approach.

  • Switch between one or more validation environments as needed
  • Launch an environment for each pull request → close the environment after each release

I've been looking for a simpler way to solve the above issues with validation environments, and this time I've decided on GitLab Flow.

About GitLab Flow

GitLab Flow is documented by GitLab.

Introduction to GitLab Flow | GitLab

The above document also lists some of the issues with Git Flow / GitHub Flow.

GitLab Flow allows you to have the branches you need for a release while maintaining the master branch/feature branch relationship of GitHub Flow.

The GitLab Flow documentation introduces production branch model, environment branches model, and release branches model, and I thought that environment branches model would improve deployment flows while making effective use of the current environments.

Production branch model and environment branches model of GitLab Flow
(From Introduction to GitLab Flow)

In the environment branches model, each branch is paired with an environment, and when branches are modified, they are automatically deployed to their respective environments.

In this case, it looks like the following

  • master branch → develop environment
  • staging branch → staging environment
  • production branch → production environment

You can then proceed with deployment by creating and merging pull requests in master → staging → production.

I believe this GitLab Flow has the following advantages

  • Simpler branch management and deployment than Git Flow
  • Easier than GitHub Flow to prepare a verification environment before a production release

Automatically generate release pull requests using git-pr-release + GitHub Actions

As mentioned earlier, GitLab Flow deploys by creating and merging pull requests on the master → staging → production branch.

However, if we were to do this manually, I thought the following might happen.

  • Forgetting to create and merge pull requests
  • It may become difficult to know which changes are in each pull request.

To solve these problems, I automated creating and modification of the above pull requests using git-pr-release + GitHub Actions.

Auto-generated release pull request using git-pr-release + GitHub Actions

git-pr-release can detect differences between branches and create a release pull request with a list of merged pull requests.

You can run git-pr-release itself as a command, but you can also automate it by creating a GitHub Actions workflow like below.


By doing this, we can simplify the deployment flow to the production environment as much as possible, as shown below:

  1. Review pull requests of feature branches and merge them into the master branch
  2. Automatically deploy to the verification environment
  3. Automatically generate release pull requests to deploy to the production environment
  4. Check the validation environment (manual testing or end-to-end testing using the validation environment, etc.)
  5. If there are no problems, merge the pull request and automatically deploy to the production environment

Deploy using GitHub Actions

The actual deployment is also done with GitHub Actions.

It is set to be triggered when there is a push in each environment branch (master, staging, production).


We use self-hosted runners of GitHub Actions when deploying, please see the following blog entry for more details:


Effects and challenges

We are currently implementing this deployment flow in several departments and services, and have been able to achieve the first two points mentioned.

  • Enable small, autonomous deployments → Increase deployment frequency
  • Simplify branch management and deployment strategies

In addition, some projects now deploy several times a day, previously having deployed only once every 1-2 weeks.


At the same time, there are some issues that we need to be aware of.

GitLab Flow is a relatively flexible flow compared to GitHub Flow, and the number of pull requests that can be deployed to the production environment at one time can be decided flexibly.

Therefore, depending on the situation, the size of the pull requests that can be deployed at one time may become quite large, making it difficult to achieve the original goal of "enabling small deployments".

To reduce the cost of rework in case of a bug, we may need to implement the following policy when using GitLab Flow in the future.

  • Merge, validate, and deploy features/bug fixes to the production environment for every pull request.
  • Minor dependency updates created by bot such as Dependabot can be merged, verified, and deployed at once.


This time, I only improved the deployment flow (Continuous Deployment).

Still, we would like to expand the Continuous Testing, DevSecOps, and other mechanisms to continuously improve the service in line with this flow in the future.

I also believe that the optimal deployment flow itself will change depending on the organisation's growth and its requirements, so we will continue to improve upon this in the future.

I hope that this entry will be of some help in improving your own deployment flow.


GitLab Flow + GitHub Actions ではじめる、デプロイフローの改善・自動化


DevOps エンジニアの 根本 征 です。

前回のエントリーでは GitHub Actions の self-hosted runners について紹介しました。

今回はそれらを活用したデプロイフロー(主に API / Frontend)の改善について紹介したいと思います。



  • 3つの環境
    • develop 環境(主に開発者が使う環境)
    • staging 環境(本番リリース前の検証環境)
    • production 環境(本番環境)
  • Git Flow
  • Jenkins を使った CI / CD
    • develop 環境・staging 環境 → ブランチの更新でデプロイ
    • production 環境 → tag を指定してソフトウェアエンジニアもしくは DevOps エンジニアがデプロイ

Git Flow

Git Flow は大規模な開発や、リリースタイミングが決められているもの(iOS / Android など)とは相性が良いです。

しかし、API / Frontend などリリースタイミングが恣意的に決めることができ、かつ小・中規模の開発だとあまりメリットがないと感じました。

逆に、Git Flow は他と比べて複雑なブランチ管理(release ブランチや hotfix ブランチ)になってしまい、これによってデプロイ頻度が下がっている可能性もあると考えました。


  • 小さく自律的にデプロイできるようにする → デプロイ頻度を上げる
  • シンプルなブランチ管理・デプロイができるようにする

GitHub Flow はどうか

上記の Git Flow の代替としてよく導入されているのが GitHub Flow だと思います。

GitHub Flow は実際に GitHub のサービス開発において活用されているブランチ戦略であり、私も最初は GitHub Flow を導入できないか検討しました。

GitHubにおける継続的デリバリー/How GitHub builds and deploy software - Speaker Deck

GitHub Flow では master(main) ブランチと feature ブランチしかなく、シンプルなブランチ管理を実現することができます。

GitHub Flow(Understanding the GitHub flowより)

master ブランチはいつでも本番環境にデプロイができるブランチと考えられ、push をトリガーに本番環境へデプロイしているという事例も多くあると思います。

この GitHub Flow によって先ほど挙げた課題を解決することができそうですが、リリース前の検証環境が課題になると考えました

先述の通り、GitHub Flow だと master ブランチはいつでも本番環境へデプロイができるブランチだと考えられています。

そのため、リリース前の検証にはそれぞれの feature ブランチで検証する必要があります。

GitHub Flow における検証環境の問題
(Introduction to GitLab Flowより)

そして、複数の feature ブランチ / Pull Request が存在する場合には下記のような方法を取る必要が出てきます。

  • 1つあるいは複数の検証環境を必要に応じて切り替える
  • Pull Request 毎に環境が立ち上がる → リリース後にその環境を閉じる

私はよりシンプルに上記の検証環境にまつわる課題を解決できないか考え、今回導入したのが GitLab Flow です。

GitLab Flow とは

GitLab Flow に関しては GitLab がドキュメントを公開しています。

Introduction to GitLab Flow | GitLab


GitLab flowから学ぶワークフローの実践 | POSTD

上記のドキュメントでも Git Flow / GitHub Flow に対する課題点を挙げています。

そして GitLab Flow では、GitHub Flow の masterブランチ と featureブランチの関係はそのままに、リリースに必要なブランチを用意することができます。

GitLab Flow のドキュメントでは、production ブランチモデル環境ブランチモデルrelease ブランチモデルが紹介されており、今回環境ブランチモデルが現状ある環境を有効活用しながらデプロイフローを改善できるのではと考えました。

GitLab Flow の production ブランチモデルと環境ブランチモデル
(Introduction to GitLab Flowより)



  • master ブランチ → develop 環境
  • staging ブランチ → staging 環境
  • production ブランチ → production(本番)環境

そして、master → staging → production に Pull Request を作成・マージしていくことでデプロイを進めることができます。


  • Git Flow よりシンプルなブランチ管理・デプロイを行うことができる
  • GitHub Flow よりも容易に本番リリース前の検証環境を用意することができる

git-pr-release + GitHub Actions を使った、リリース Pull Request の自動生成

先述の通り、GitLab Flow では master → staging → production ブランチに Pull Request を作成・マージしていくことでデプロイを進めていきます。


  • Pull Request の作成・マージのし忘れが発生する
  • どの変更が入った Pull Request なのか分かりづらくなる

これらを解決するために、上記の Pull Request の作成・更新を git-pr-release + GitHub Actions を使い自動化しました。

git-pr-release + GitHub Actions で自動生成されたリリース Pull Request

git-pr-release ではブランチ間の差異を検出し、マージされた Pull Request の一覧が表示されたリリース Pull Request を作成することができます。

git-pr-release 自体はコマンドで実行することが可能ですが、下記のような GitHub Actions のワークフローを作成することによって自動化することができます。



  1. feature ブランチの Pull Request をレビュー・master ブランチにマージ
  2. 検証環境へ自動的にデプロイ・本番環境へデプロイするリリース Pull Request が自動的に生成・更新
  3. 検証環境で確認(手動テストもしくは検証環境を使った End to End テストなど)
  4. 問題なければ Pull Request をマージ・本番環境へ自動的にデプロイ

GitHub Actions を使ってデプロイを行う

実際のデプロイに関しても GitHub Actions で行っています。

それぞれの環境ブランチ(master, staging, production)で push がある際にトリガーされるように設定しています。


また、デプロイする Job に関しては、GitHub Actions の self-hosted runners を使っています。





  • 小さく自律的にデプロイできるようにする → デプロイ頻度を上げる
  • シンプルなブランチ管理・デプロイができるようにする

また、サービスによっては 1~2週に1回のデプロイ頻度から、1日に数回デプロイ できるようになりました。



GitLab Flow は GitHub Flow を比べると比較的柔軟なフローになっており、本番環境へ1度にデプロイできる Pull Request の数も柔軟に決めることができます。

そのため、状況によっては1度にデプロイする Pull Request のサイズが大きくなってしまい、本来目指していた「小さくデプロイできるようにする」を実現することが困難になる可能性があります。

不具合があった際の手戻りのコストを減らすためにも、今後は GitLab Flow を使う場合には下記のようなポリシーを決めていく必要がありそうです。

  • feature / bugfix は 1 Pull Request 毎にマージ・検証・本番環境までデプロイしていく
  • Dependabot などによって作られる、マイナーな依存関係のアップデートはまとめてマージ・検証・デプロイしていく


今回はデプロイフロー(Continuous Deployment)のみの改善でしたが、今後はこのフローに合わせて継続的テスティング(Continuous Testing) や DevSecOps など、サービスを継続的に改善していくための仕組みを拡充していきたいと考えています。




Creating CI / CD pipeline using GitHub Actions self-hosted runners on AWS ECS


This is English version of this article.


Hello, I'm Tadashi Nemoto from the DevOps team.

I joined ExaWizards this year in July in order to improve CI / CD promote the usage of automated testing in product development.

In this article, I will demonstrate how to create GitHub Actions with self-hosted runners on AWS ECS.

GitHub Actions and self-hosted runners

You may already know of or use GitHub Actions if you are an active GitHub user.

Combined with the Actions available on GitHub Marketplace, you can easily build a variety of powerful CI/CD pipelines.

In addition, instead of using runners provided by GitHub, you can also prepare your own runner (self-hosted runners).

About self-hosted runners - GitHub Docs

If you use GitHub Actions on a GitHub provided runner you will be charged on a free-to-use plus pay-as-you-go basis.

However, there is no additional charge for using GitHub Actions with a self-hosted runner on your own infrastructure.

You can set up new self-hosted runners from the Repository or Organization settings.


Once the setup is complete, you will see that it has been added as a runner.

Runners configured in a repository can be executed in that repository, and runners configured in an organization can be executed in all the repositories of that organization.


Finally, in your GitHub Actions configuration file, you should indicate that you want it to run using your self-hosted runners.


It is true that you will need to set up and maintain self-hosted runners by yourself.

However, I believe it's attractive that we don't have to prepare and maintain the management part of a CI / CD workflow (like a Jenkins master instance). GitHub offers this functionality for free.

Running self-hosted runners on Docker

The source code of the self-hosted runner agent is available as open source, but GitHub currently doesn't provide a Docker image for it.

There are open source projects to get self-hosted runners running on Docker and Kubernetes.

In this article, we will work together to create a CI / CD pipeline using GitHub Actions with self-hosted runners on AWS ECS.

  1. Running self-hosted runners on Docker

  2. Running self-hosted runners on AWS ECS

  3. Creating a CI / CD pipeline to deploy an application to AWS ECS using those self-hosted runners

First, we'll try to run self-hosted runners on our local machine using the below Docker image.


In order to launch a runner for an organization, run the following docker command:


Because we want to run workflows such as docker build, we need to be able to use Docker commands inside this container.

You can solve this by sharing the Docker daemon on the host machine (-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock part, Docker outside of Docker)

Using Docker-in-Docker for your CI or testing environment? Think twice.

Running self-hosted runners on AWS ECS

Next, we'll use the Docker image from earlier and run it in AWS ECS.

In this article, I will focus on three points using AWS CDK (Typescript).

The first is how to achieve Docker outside of Docker (DooD) in AWS ECS (the -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock part).

In AWS ECS, you can solve this problem by adding a Volume to the Task side and mounting that Volume on the Container side.



AWS ECS offers two startup types, Fargate and EC2, but as Fargate is not currently supported to do the above, I chose the EC2 startup type this time.

The second is about the role you give to the ECS Task.

Of course, you can do this by storing AWS access keys in GitHub and passing them to GitHub Actions.

However, you can eliminate the need to store AWS access keys on the GitHub side by giving the self-hosted runner’s container itself the role it needs for the above.


The third is about spot instances.

Self-hosted runners are used for CI/CD, so you can leverage spot instances to keep costs low.

With AWS CDK, you can use a spot instance by setting the spotInstanceDraining property to true.


Create CI / CD pipeline to deploy an application to AWS ECS

This time, we will create CI / CD pipeline to deploy an application to AWS ECS using that GitHub Actions self-hosted runners.

It's complicated because it's the same AWS ECS, but it's assumed that the cluster running self-hosted runners and the cluster running the application are separate.


Docker build and push to ECR
Edit Task Definition file to newer docker image
Register Task Definition and wait Service to update

When combined with the steps of GitHub Actions provided by AWS, it looks like this.


As mentioned earlier, you'll need to store and pass your AWS access key to GitHub in aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials step.


However, this is not necessary this time because we have given self-hosted runners the privileges they need to do so.


In this article, I have demonstrated how to use GitHub Actions self-hosted runners on AWS ECS. I believe it would be beneficial for the following use cases:

  • You're using GitHub Actions to deploy an application to AWS, but you don't want to pass AWS access keys to GitHub.

  • You want to create a cost-efficient CI/CD environment by utilizing spot instances (especially if you expect to significantly exceed your free quota).

  • You want to run your CI/CD environment on a machine with higher specs than GitHub's runner.

Our team plans to create better CI/CD pipelines based on GitHub Actions in the future.


Real-time pose estimation in Android

This article is focused on Pose Estimation using TensorFlow Lite. I will guide you through every step from picking an ML model to displaying an output on the screen, with detailed explanations and materials for further reading. We will not dive deep into Machine Learning, however, as our primary goal is to learn how to use the tools provided by TensorFlow to accomplish the task of pose estimation. No prior Machine Learning experience is required, but it is assumed that you have some Java/Kotlin and Android proficiency. Without further ado, let’s get started!

Part 1: TensorFlow Lite

TensorFlow is an open source library for numerical computation and machine learning. It uses Python to provide an API for training and running ML models and deep neural networks, while executing operations in C++.

Data flow graphs are structures that describe how data moves through a series of processing nodes. Each node is a mathematical operation, and each node's input/output is a multidimensional data array, or a tensor.

Simply put, to receive an array of key points representing a human pose we need to format the initial image to match processing node's expected input and run it through a series of transformations described in a model - a process called inference.

TensorFlow Lite is a lightweight version of TensorFlow built specifically for mobile and embedded devices. It supports a set of core operations which have been tuned for performance while staying relatively lean in size. TFLite also provides an interpreter with hardware acceleration in Android (NNAPI). To learn more about TFLite and its constraints, please refer to this guide.

Quick start

To kick start your Android project, please check out the official documentation and this demo app:

Android guide

Pose Estimation demo

In short, to add tflite module to your project, modify your app's build.gradle as follows:

// Check the latest tensorflow-lite version at JCenter: 
// [https://bintray.com/google/tensorflow/tensorflow-lite](https://bintray.com/google/tensorflow/tensorflow-lite)
ext.tfliteVersion = '0.0.0-nightly'

android {
    defaultConfig {
        ndk {
            // include only relevant architectures to reduce apk size
            abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a'

dependencies {
    implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite:$tfLiteVersion'

The dependency contains core TFLite classes. Let's go over some of them one by one:

Interpreter - A class that helps with building and accessing a native interpreter, which is an interface between Java code and the core C++ tensor flow logic. In its constructor you can provide a file path to your pre-trained model and Interpreter.Options (more on that later).

Delegate - An interface for providing a native handle to a delegate - an executor that handles partial (or full) computation of a data flow graph.

Tensor - A representation of a multidimensional byte array containing input or output data.


By default, all computation will be handled by the CPU. You can parallelize inference on CPU by setting the number of threads the task will run on:

val numThreads = 4 // depends on the number of cores the CPU has
val options = Interpreter.Options().apply { setNumThreads(numThreads) }

TensorFlow Lite provides 3 built-in delegates to run inference on:

GPU - provides a great increase in performance and power efficiency. I would recommend picking the GPU delegate as the default option, with the caveat that your device has to support OpenCL or OpenGL ES 3.1 and that not all operations are supported. You can read more about it in the official docs.

To add the GPU delegate to your project, add the following dependency:

// Check the latest gpu delegate version at JCenter
// https://bintray.com/google/tensorflow/tensorflow-lite-gpu
dependencies {
    implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-gpu:$tfLiteVersion'

NNAPI - a delegate that utilizes Neural Networks API providing hardware acceleration on newer Android devices (API 27+). It is included in the tensorflow-lite package, so you don't need to add an extra dependency.

Hexagon - a substitution for the NNAPI delegate on older Android devices that do not fully support Neural Networks API.

Add the following dependency if you want to support older devices:

// Check the latest Hexagon version at JCenter
// https://bintray.com/google/tensorflow/tensorflow-lite-hexagon
ext.tfLiteHexagon = '0.0.0-nightly'
dependencies {
    implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-hexagon:$tfLiteHexagon'

Below is the complete interpreter setup snippet:

/* (c) ExaWizards */

sealed class DelegateOptions {
    data class CPU(val numThreads: Int): DelegateOptions()
    object GPU: DelegateOptions()
    object NNAPI: DelegateOptions()
    object Hexagon: DelegateOptions()

fun createInterpreter(
        model: MappedByteBuffer,
        delegateOptions: DelegateOptions
): Interpreter {
    val options = Interpreter.Options().apply {
        when (delegateOptions) {
          DelegateOptions.CPU -> setNumThreads(numThreads)
        DelegateOptions.NNAPI -> setUseNNAPI(true)
        DelegateOptions.GPU -> addDelegate(GpuDelegate())
        DelegateOptions.Hexagon -> addDelegate(HexagonDelegate())
    return Interpreter(model, options)

Support library (experimental)

The TensorFlow team provides an optional package with various utility classes to simplify image operations and tensor buffer processing. If you don't want to deal with bitmap manipulations and bit shifting, then give this library a shot!

Currently it's in beta, so please be careful when adding it to your main application. I'd recommend playing around with it in a side project to catch any potential shortcomings for your use case.

To add the dependency, modify your build.gradle

// Check the latest support library version at JCenter
// https://bintray.com/google/tensorflow/tensorflow-lite-support
ext.tfLiteSupportVersion = '0.1.0-rc1'
dependencies {
    implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-support:$tfLiteSupportVersion'

Let's take a look at some of the classes and interfaces available:

ImageProcessor - a class that accumulates various transformations and applies them to a target TensorImage

ImageOperator - a base interface for TensorImage transformations, including:

  • Rot90Op - rotate an image by 90 degrees counter-clockwise N times.
  • ResizeOp - resize an image to match the target size. It performs scaling, so be careful to preserve your original aspect ratio.
  • ResizeWithCropOrPadOp - crop or pad an image to match your model's expected input size. It does not scale the original image, make sure to scale it down before applying this operator.

TensorOperator - a base interface for TensorBuffer transformations:

  • NormalizeOp - perform normalization - adjust buffer values to a common scale, usually in a range of [-1; 1].
  • QuantizeOp - perform quantization - map float values to a smaller set of integer numbers. It is used in quantized models to increase performance at the cost of precision.
  • DequantizeOp - reverse quantization.

Below is an example of building an ImageProcessor and transforming an image bitmap:

/* (c) ExaWizards */

val imageProcessor = ImageProcessor.Builder()
            .add(ResizeOp(scaledHeight, scaledWidth, ResizeOp.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR))
            .add(ResizeWithCropOrPadOp(modelHeight, modelWidth))
        // f(x) = (x - 127.5) / 127.5; f(x) ∈ [-1; 1]; x ∈ [0; 255]
            .add(NormalizeOp(127.5f, 127.5f)) 
val tensorImage = TensorImage.fromBitmap(bitmap)
val processedImage = imageProcessor.process(tensorImage)

TFLite wrapper (experimental)

If your model contains metadata, it enables you to use the TensorFlow Lite wrapper code generator. The Model wrapper eliminates the need to set up your delegates, manually performing image transformations and dealing with raw TensorBuffer output. The extent to which generated code will be helpful to you entirely depends on the completeness of the metadata. Also, keep in mind that this feature is in an experimental phase, so you'll probably have to wait until it becomes stable before replacing all your ML-related logic with generated code.

To learn more about the wrapper code generator, please refer to the official docs.

Part 2: Model

To accomplish our task - human pose estimation - it is crucial that we have a basic understanding of our ML model and learn about our expected inputs/outputs. The TFLite "Getting started" page and linked source code provide enough information to kick start a new Proof of Concept project, but if we are going to make any changes to the core logic or simply want to compare existing options - it's better to know what we're dealing with.

Picking the right model

Let's start by examining a repository of open-sourced ML models - TensorFlow hub. This is a great place to search for domain-specific, format-specific solutions.

Our search query would be an "image pose detection" domain with "model format" filter set to TFLite (as of June 2020, there's only one model satisfying this criteria - MobileNet_075). Now, we have two options: pure model or model + metadata. From tensorflow.org:

TensorFlow Lite metadata provides a standard for model descriptions. The metadata is an important source of knowledge about what the model does and its input / output information. The metadata consists of both - human readable parts which convey the best practice when using the model, and - machine readable parts that can be leveraged by code generators, such as the TensorFlow Lite Android code generator.

Let's further examine model with metadata. I found this useful tool to visualize the model's structure: Netron. After uploading the .tflite file we can see convolutional layers the model has and check what the expected inputs and outputs are:



A closer look

First, let's understand the input requirements:

  • Image: FloatArray [1][353][257][3]

To prepare the image for classification, we'll need to scale it down to 353x257 pixels, extract each pixel's RGB value and normalize it, meaning the values should be within [-1;1].

Second, let's pay attention to the outputs:

  • Image (Grayscale): [1][23][17][17]

    An input image that has been reduced to 23x17 points, and each keypoint (out of 17 in total) has received a "confidence score"

  • Offsets: [1][23][17][34]

    Since the output matrix has a much smaller size, we want to get a better idea of where the original keypoint might have been. Offset vectors are here to help — once we pick the right (x, y) for keypoints, apply the following formula to get the final coordinates:

    y = keyPoint.y * originalHeight + offsets[0][keyPoint.y][keyPoint.x][keyPoint.index]

    x = keyPoint.x * originalWidth + offsets[0][keyPoint.y][keyPoint.x][keyPoint.index + 17]

  • Forward displacement: [1][23][17][64]

    Backward displacement: [1][23][17][1]

    In multi-pose estimation, when there are multiple poses to detect, it is not enough to pick a keypoint with the highest score — we need to pick multiple keypoints and group them into a graph representing a distinct human pose. Displacement arrays are used in a fast greedy decoding algorithm explained in this paper: PersonLab: Person Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation with a Bottom-Up, Part-Based, Geometric Embedding Model. I will discuss the implementation later in the series.

The output structure seems to correspond with TensorFlow Pose Estimation starter guide:

  • Heatmaps: [1][height][width][N]
  • Offsets: [1][height][width][N * 2]
  • Forward displacements: [1][height][width][E * 2]
  • Backward displacements: [1][height][width][E * 2]

You might have noticed that something doesn't add up. The backward displacements matrix should be the same shape as the forward displacements: [1][23][17][64], but instead we are getting [1][23][17][1]. I believe it's a known problem (it is mentioned on StackOverflow), however it only affects multi-pose estimation. For single-pose estimation we will be using a much simpler "brute-force" solution that doesn't involve part-based graph traversal.

Part 3: Inference

Now that I‘ve given an overview of TFLite, models and available support tools, it's time to dive into the process of inference. The goal is to feed a prepared TensorImage to an interpreter and extract 17 key points with their (x, y) location and probability (confidence).


If you manually downloaded the right model for your task, I recommend placing it in the /assets folder. If you don't want to check the file into VCS, simply add it to .gitignore and use this handy Gradle script, which will download the file automatically at build time:

/* (c) ExaWizards */

// download.gradle
def targetFile = "src/main/assets/posenet_model_meta.tflite"
def modelFloatDownloadUrl = "https://tfhub.dev/tensorflow/lite-model/posenet/mobilenet/float/075/1/metadata/1?lite-format=tflite"

task downloadModelFloat(type: DownloadUrlTask) {
    doFirst {
        println "Downloading ${modelFloatDownloadUrl}"
    sourceUrl = "${modelFloatDownloadUrl}"
    target = file("${targetFile}")

class DownloadUrlTask extends DefaultTask {
    String sourceUrl

    File target

    void download() {
        ant.get(src: sourceUrl, dest: target)

preBuild.dependsOn downloadLibs

// Add this line to your build.gradle
// apply from:'download.gradle'

Now, we need to set up an interpreter. Depending on your target devices and benchmarks, you may choose one of the few available delegates, and load the model from the assets folder:

/* (c) ExaWizards */

private fun createInterpreter(device: Model.Device): Interpreter {
        val options = Interpreter.Options().apply {
            when (device) {
                Model.Device.CPU -> setNumThreads(numThreads)
                Model.Device.GPU -> addDelegate(GpuDelegate())
                Model.Device.NNAPI -> setUseNNAPI(true)
        return Interpreter(loadModelFile("posenet_model_meta.tflite", context), options)

private fun loadModelFile(path: String, context: Context): MappedByteBuffer {
        val fileDescriptor = context.assets.openFd(path)
        val inputStream = FileInputStream(fileDescriptor.fileDescriptor)
        return inputStream.channel.map(
            FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, fileDescriptor.startOffset, fileDescriptor.declaredLength

To avoid getting errors during model loading, add this to your app's build.gradle to disable .tflite file compression:

android {
    aaptOptions {
        noCompress "tflite"

Assuming you've already prepared TensorImage (check Part 4 for more info), let's proceed with inference.

Single pose estimation

The interpreter takes an input array of ByteBuffer with a Tensor shape defined by the model; in our case it's [1, 353, 257, 3]. The output array will contain four 4-dimensional float arrays: Heatmaps, Offsets, Forward displacements, Backward displacements. You can get their default shapes by calling


where i ∈ [0, 3], as we have 4 output tensors.

/* (c) ExaWizards */

val outputMap = mutableMapOf<Int, Any>()

fun estimatePose(tensorImage: TensorImage): Person {
        val inputArray = arrayOf(tensorImage.buffer)
        (0 until interpreter.outputTensorCount).forEach {
            outputMap[it] = reshapeTo4dArray(interpreter.getOutputTensor(it).shape())
        interpreter.runForMultipleInputsOutputs(inputArray, outputMap)
                // parse outputMap
                return extractKeyPoints(outputMap, tensorImage.width, tensorImage.height)

private fun reshapeTo4dArray(shape: IntArray): Array<Array<Array<FloatArray>>> =
        Array(shape[0]) { Array(shape[1]) { Array(shape[2]) { FloatArray(shape[3]) } } }

Next step is to extract key points and create a Person object that contains all of the information we need to draw a person's shape on-screen. Since we are focusing on single pose estimation for now, we will only need two arrays: Heatmaps and Offsets. The idea is to find the locations of the key points with the highest confidence scores, calculate their (x, y) coordinates using offset adjustment and normalize the confidence score to the range [0;1].

/* (c) ExaWizards */

// order is important!
enum class BodyPart {

data class Position(val x: Int, val y: Int)
data class KeyPoint(val bodyPart: BodyPart, val position: Position, val score: Float)
data class Person(val keyPoints: List<KeyPoint>, val score: Float)

private fun extractKeyPoints(
    outputMap: Map<Int, Any>,
    imageWidth: Int,
    imageHeight: Int
): Person {
    val heatMaps = outputMap[0] as Array<Array<Array<FloatArray>>>
    val offsets = outputMap[1] as Array<Array<Array<FloatArray>>>

    val height = heatMaps[0].size
    val width = heatMaps[0][0].size
    val numKeyPoints = heatMaps[0][0][0].size

    val keyPoints = mutableListOf<KeyPoint>()
    val bodyParts = enumValues<BodyPart>()
    var totalConfidence = 0f
    for (keyPoint in 0 until numKeyPoints) {
        var maxVal = heatMaps[0][0][0][keyPoint]
        var maxRow = 0
        var maxCol = 0
        // Find the (row, col) locations of where the keyPoints are most likely to be.
        for (row in 0 until height) {
            for (col in 0 until width) {
                if (heatMaps[0][row][col][keyPoint] > maxVal) {
                    maxVal = heatMaps[0][row][col][keyPoint]
                    maxRow = row
                    maxCol = col
        val yDisplacement = offsets[0][maxRow][maxCol][keyPoint]
        val xDisplacement = offsets[0][maxRow][maxCol][keyPoint + numKeyPoints]
        val yCoord = maxRow / (height - 1).toFloat() * imageHeight + yDisplacement
        val xCoord = maxCol / (width - 1).toFloat() * imageWidth + xDisplacement
        val confidence = sigmoid(maxVal)
        val bodyPart = bodyParts[keyPoint]
        totalConfidence += confidence
        keyPoints.add(KeyPoint(bodyPart, Position(xCoord.toInt(), yCoord.toInt()), confidence))

    return Person(keyPoints, totalConfidence / numKeyPoints)

/** Returns a value within [0,1].   */
private fun sigmoid(x: Float): Float {
    return (1.0f / (1.0f + exp(-x)))

And there we have it - a Person object containing key point locations and their confidence scores! The next step would be to filter key points by a confidence threshold and translate the coordinates back to the starting image dimensions - remember, we applied a number of transformations (rotation, scale, crop) to the original input. I will discuss this logic later in the series, using a CameraX feed as an example.

Multi-pose estimation

If we want to get more than one person's key points, the brute-force key point search solution above will not work. As I mentioned before, we have to use forward and backward displacement arrays to handle this task.

The idea of a modified algorithm is described in this PersonLab paper:

Multipose algorithm

As you can see, the algorithm is non-trivial and requires a bit of time to get right. You can try implementing it yourself, or use one of these open source projects as an example:

PoseNet Typescript by TensorFlow

PoseNet Java by shaqian

Important note: Before you decide to enable multi-pose estimation, make sure your model supports it! The current model listed on TensorFow Hub returns incorrect displacement arrays, so try using a modified version from this StackOverflow answer instead.

Multipose output

Part 4: Camera 1̶ 2̶ X

Android CameraX is a great library used to seamlessly integrate camera logic into the project's codebase by combining existing use cases that interface with the device's camera API: Preview, Image Analysis, Image Capture. If you're not familiar with the CameraX architecture, please refer to the official documentation page.

from CameraX documentation

In this part we will focus on combining Preview with Image Analysis to display an inferred human pose on screen in real time.


To get started with CameraX and get a better idea of its architecture and capabilities, I recommend following Google’s codelab page. I you want a quick start by looking at a complete implementation, you can refer to my PoseNet sample (coming soon).

Image Analysis

Once you're familiar with the CameraX API, let's start by setting up an ImageAnalysis use case. First, we might want to request a specific resolution by calling

val builder = ImageAnalysis.Builder().setTargetResolution(Size(width, height))

Keep in mind that in order to infer a human pose in real time we will need to heavily downscale our original image to match the Model's input size. However, we can't just request any arbitrary resolution; instead, it will depend on the Camera implementation and will fall back to the nearest available resolution in case the requested size doesn't exist.

Next, let's set an appropriate backpressure strategy. Inferrence takes time, so we won't be able to process every frame from the camera feed before the next one comes in. To avoid buffer overflow, we will skip subsequent frames until we're done processing the current one:


Finally, let's create an Analyzer. Image.Analyzer will receive an ImageProxy object which we will use to get an Image and transform it using the ImageProcessor class provided by the TensorFlow Lite support library.

Here's sample code for ImageAnalysis setup

/* (c) ExaWizards */

val useCase: ImageAnalysis = ImageAnalysis.Builder()
    .setTargetResolution(Size(targetWidth, targetHeight))

private fun setAnalyzer(imageAnalysis: ImageAnalysis) {
        ImageAnalysis.Analyzer { image ->
            val transformedImage = image.use {
                    image.image ?: throw Exception("Unexpected ImageProxy"),
            val person = estimatePose(transformedImage.tensorImage)

data class PoseData(
    val person: Person,
    val originalSize: Size,
    val scaledSize: Size,
    val paddedSize: Size,
    val orientation: Orientation,
    val transformedBitmap: Bitmap?

Important note: if you're using the GPU delegate for inference, remember that only the original thread that instantiated a GPU delegate can call it. Here, I'm using Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() as an image processing executor and lazily creating a GPU instance. That means I cannot reuse the same delegate once I discard the ImageAnalysis object and have to instantiate a new delegate again.

Image Transformation

To prepare an image for inference we need to perform the following series of transformations:

Downscaling → Rotation → Cropping → Normalization

In order to translate the resulting pose coordinates back to the original dimensions, I recommend keeping each step's variables in a data class — that way it will be easier to apply each transformation in reverse order.

Important note: CameraX provides an Image in YUV_420_888 format, which we will convert to RGB values in order to extract a byte buffer for further image processing with PoseNet. I am using RenderScript for YUV → RGB conversion; you can take a look at the "sample approach" here.

The TensorFlow Lite support library provides helper operations discussed earlier, each resulting in creating a new TensorImage that holds a modified Bitmap. A complete image processing function looks something like this:

/* (c) ExaWizards */

private val yuvToRgbConverter = YuvToRgbConverter(context.applicationContext)

data class TransformedImage(
    val tensorImage: TensorImage,
    val originalSize: Size,
    val scaledSize: Size,
    val paddedSize: Size,
    val orientation: Orientation

fun processImage(
    image: Image,
    rotationDegrees: Int,
    targetWidth: Int, // input tensor size
    targetHeight: Int // input tensor size
): TransformedImage {
    val imageBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(image.width, image.height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
    yuvToRgbConverter.yuvToRgb(image, bitmap)
    val numRotations = rotationDegrees / 90
    val scale = min(image.height.toDouble() / targetWidth, image.width.toDouble() / targetHeight)
    val scaledSize = Size((image.width / scale).toInt(), (image.height / scale).toInt())
    val orientation = if (numRotations % 2 == 0) {
    } else {
    val imageProcessor = ImageProcessor.Builder()
        .add(ResizeOp(scaledSize.height, scaledSize.width, ResizeOp.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR))
        .add(ResizeWithCropOrPadOp(targetHeight, targetWidth))
        .add(NormalizeOp(127.5f, 127.5f))
    val tensorImage = TensorImage.fromBitmap(imageBitmap)
    return TransformedImage(
        Size(image.width, image.height),
        Size(targetWidth, targetHeight),

Coordinate translation

The final step is to extract the inferred pose‘s key points and apply the coordinate translation algorithm to match the camera's preview layout. The tricky part is to add (x, y) padding in case your pose overlay view aspect ratio doesn't match the original image. The CameraX preview window will do the same, and the effect is similar to ImageView's centerCrop scale type. Let's add this extension function:

/* (c) ExaWizards */

private val minConfidence = 0.7f

fun PoseData.extractKeyPoints(val width: Int, val height: Int): Map<BodyPart, PointF> {
    val scaledWidth: Int
    val scaledHeight: Int
    val originalWidth: Int
    val originalHeight: Int
    when (orientation) {
        Orientation.HORIZONTAL -> {
            scaledWidth = scaledSize.width
            scaledHeight = scaledSize.height
            originalWidth = originalSize.width
            originalHeight = originalSize.height
        Orientation.VERTICAL -> {
            scaledWidth = scaledSize.height
            scaledHeight = scaledSize.width
            originalWidth = originalSize.height
            originalHeight = originalSize.width
    val xOffset = (scaledWidth - paddedSize.width) / 2.0
    val yOffset = (scaledHeight - paddedSize.height) / 2.0

    // crop or pad to fit current view
    val originalRatio = originalHeight / originalWidth.toDouble()
    val widthFactor: Double
    val heightFactor: Double
    val xPad: Double
    val yPad: Double
    if (width * originalRatio >= height) {
        // width is the basis
        xPad = .0
        yPad = (height - width * originalRatio) / 2
        widthFactor =
            (width / originalWidth.toDouble()) * originalWidth / scaledWidth.toDouble()
        heightFactor =
            (width * originalRatio / originalHeight.toDouble()) * originalHeight / scaledHeight.toDouble()
    } else {
        xPad = (width - height / originalRatio) / 2
        yPad = .0
        widthFactor =
            ((height / originalRatio) / originalWidth.toDouble()) * originalWidth / scaledWidth.toDouble()
        heightFactor =
            (height / originalHeight.toDouble()) * originalHeight / scaledHeight.toDouble()

    return person.keyPoints
            .filter { it.score > minConfidence }
            .map {
                it.bodyPart to it.position.toAdjustedPoints(

private fun Position.toAdjustedPoints(
    widthFactor: Double,
    heightFactor: Double,
    xOffset: Double,
    yOffset: Double,
    xPad: Double,
    yPad: Double
) = PointF(
    ((x + xOffset) * widthFactor + xPad).toFloat(),
    ((y + yOffset) * heightFactor + yPad).toFloat()

That's it! Now all you need to do is to invalidate() the view on every update from ImageAnalyzer and draw a circle where each of the extracted key points are:

/* (c) ExaWizards */

// inside PoseOverlayView.kt

private var pointMap: Map<BodyPart, PointF> = emptyMap()
    set(value) {
        field = value

private val circleRadius = 8.0f
private val circlePaint: Paint = Paint().apply {
    color = Color.WHITE
    strokeWidth = 8.0f

fun updatePoseData(poseData: PoseData) {
    pointMap = poseData.extractKeyPoints()

override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas?) {
    canvas ?: return
    canvas.drawColor(Color.TRANSPARENT, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR)
    pointMap.forEach { entry ->
        entry.values.forEach { canvas.drawCircle(it.x, it.y, circleRadius, circlePaint) }

Part 5: Definition of Done

Previously we learned how to set up an interpreter, pick the right model, how to attach the CameraX analyzer and draw the output on a canvas. There’s one more thing left to cover: how to improve user experience depending on your use case. You may need more precise key point estimation, or, maybe, fast inference time is critical for a smooth UX. In this part we will discuss some tips and tricks that may be worth considering.

Optimizing for accuracy

Posenet is a fully convolutional model, meaning it was trained with a specific image size but can process larger images, sacrificing performance in favor of accuracy. The only rule is that the size should be a multiple of 16, plus 1 (see this answer). Previously, we talked about the expected input/output tensor’s shape: [1, 353, 257, 3] for the input and [1, 23, 17, X] for the various output tensors. As you may remember, input shape represents the amount of input image pixels times 3 (one Float per each RGB-channel). the output shape scales linearly with an outputStride: outWidth = ((inputWidth - 1) / outputStride) + 1, where the outputStride can be 8, 16 or 32. The lower the outputStride, the higher the accuracy, but the slower the speed.

A pre-trained .tflite model does not support a variable output stride, but we can change the input tensor shape and adjust our expectations for the output tensor. Here’s how to do it:

/* (c) ExaWizards */

//create an interpreter first
val interpreter: Interpreter = Interpreter(model, options)

// let's double the size of the default tensor
fun resizeInput() {
    interpreter.resizeInput(0, intArrayOf(1, 705, 513, 3))

// remember to scale a processed image size to 705x513 instead of 353x257
fun <T> estimatePose(byteBuffer: ByteBuffer, decoder: Decoder<T>): T {
    val inputArray = arrayOf(byteBuffer)
        // output shapes will become [1, 45, 33, X]
    model.run(inputArray, outputs.buffer)
    return decoder.decode(create4DArray(outputs))

Important note: remember that inference time does not scale linearly. On my Pixel 1 test device, using the GPU delegate, I was able to get ~70ms average inference, while doubling the input size brought the time up to ~270ms!

This method is useful if you don’t care about real-time performance and instead are analyzing a static image while running some scene transition animation or showing a brief loading screen after taking a picture.

Optimizing for performance

If we can afford to sacrifice accuracy to gain true real-time pose estimation even on lower-end devices, it might be a good idea to scale the image down to even smaller size. Remember to adjust your input/output tensor shape accordingly.

One other bit of advice I can give you is to optimize the image processing part. During my tests on Pixel 1 I was using the TFLite support library, and the image processing took up to ~60ms on average, almost the same time as inference itself! Here's what it looked like:

/* (c) ExaWizards */

val imageProcessor = ImageProcessor.Builder()
    .add(ResizeOp(scaledSize.height, scaledSize.width, ResizeOp.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR))
    .add(ResizeWithCropOrPadOp(targetHeight, targetWidth))
    .add(NormalizeOp(127.5f, 127.5f))
val tensorImage = TensorImage.fromBitmap(imageBitmap)
val tensorBuffer = imageProcessor.process(tensorImage).tensorBuffer

Under the hood each ImageOperator produces a new Bitmap by applying a transformation to the original image, and the last operation in the chain transforms a Bitmap into a ByteBuffer and performs normalization on it. Let's take a look at how we can optimize this:

  • Combine ResizeOp with Rot90Op
  • Leave ResizeWithCropOrPadOp as is
  • Combine Bitmap → ByteBuffer with NormalizeOp

You can create your own operators by implementing the ImageOperator and TensorOperator interfaces, which are a part of the TFLite support library, but I will show you a sample image transformation without ImageProcessor to better understand how it works:

/* (c) ExaWizards */

val rotateMatrix = Matrix()
val scale = min(
    image.height.toDouble() / targetWidth,
    image.width.toDouble() / targetHeight
val scaledSize = Size((image.width / scale).toInt(), (image.height / scale).toInt())
val sx: Float = scaledSize.width / image.width.toFloat()
val sy: Float = scaledSize.height / image.height.toFloat()
// combine ResizeOp with Rot90Op
rotateMatrix.preScale(sx, sy)
val rotatedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
        imageBitmap, 0, 0, imageBitmap.width, imageBitmap.height,
        rotateMatrix, true

// see ResizeWithCropOrPadOp.java for implementation
val croppedBitmap = cropBitmap(rotatedBitmap, targetHeight, targetWidth)

// extract RGB values and normalize them
val mean = 128f
val std = 128f
val bytesPerChannel = 4
val inputChannels = 3
val batchSize = 1
val inputBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(
    batchSize * bytesPerChannel * croppedBitmap.height * croppedBitmap.width * inputChannels
val intValues = IntArray(croppedBitmap.width * croppedBitmap.height)
croppedBitmap.getPixels(intValues, 0, croppedBitmap.width, 0, 0, croppedBitmap.width, croppedBitmap.height)
for (pixelValue in intValues) {
    inputBuffer.putFloat(((pixelValue shr 16 and 0xFF) - mean) / std)
    inputBuffer.putFloat(((pixelValue shr 8 and 0xFF) - mean) / std)
    inputBuffer.putFloat(((pixelValue and 0xFF) - mean) / std)
return inputBuffer

By applying this simple improvement I was able to save ~25ms on average, bringing the image processing time down to ~35ms.

Frame interpolation

My final tip for you is about providing users with a smooth UX even if your computational budget is relatively low.

Like I mentioned before, the Pixel 1 is not the most performant device to run inference on, with an average time of ~100ms (including image processing) using default tensor shapes. That means every pose update will take at least 100ms to appear on screen, resulting in an average of 10 frames per second. What should we do if we simply can't go faster, but still want smooth 60fps updates?

In that case I suggest using a trick involving interpolation. The idea is that, whenever a new pose update comes, instead of drawing a new frame immediately, we start gradually moving existing points to their new destination over time, creating the illusion of smooth updates. If an update happens before the points reach their previous destination, simply start a new intrepolator from their current position to the new one. It's important to remember that this trick will introduce an artificial delay and will de-sync the camera feed and pose overlay view, making the experience arguably worse on more performant devices (i.e., capable of at least 30fps updates). Still, you can make the interpolation time dynamic and adjust it at runtime based on how much time the last inference took to complete.

/* (c) ExaWizards */

// in FluidPoseView.kt
private var pointMap: MutableMap<BodyPart, PointF> = mutableMapOf()
private val interpolator = LinearInterpolator()
private val flow = MutableStateFlow<MutableMap<BodyPart, PointF>?>(null)
private val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope? = (context as? AppCompatActivity)?.lifecycleScope
private var animJob: Job? = null
private val durationNanos = 1e8f

private val evaluator = object : TypeEvaluator<MutableMap<BodyPart, PointF>> {
    private val pointFEvaluator: PointFEvaluator = PointFEvaluator()

    override fun evaluate(
        fraction: Float,
        startValue: MutableMap<BodyPart, PointF>?,
        endValue: MutableMap<BodyPart, PointF>?
    ): MutableMap<BodyPart, PointF> {
        val updated = startValue?.mapValues { entry ->
            val startPointF = entry.value
            val endPointF = endValue?.get(entry.key)
            when {
                startPointF == zeroPoint -> endPointF ?: zeroPoint
                endPointF == null -> zeroPoint
                else -> pointFEvaluator.evaluate(fraction, startPointF, endPointF)
        }?.toMutableMap() ?: mutableMapOf()
        endValue?.forEach {
            updated.addIfAbsent(it.key, it.value)
        return updated

override fun onAttachedToWindow() {
    animJob = coroutineScope?.launch {
        flow.collectLatest { endValue ->
            endValue ?: return@collectLatest
            val startValue = pointMap
            val startTime = System.nanoTime()
            while (true) {
                val time = awaitFrame()
                val fraction = (time - startTime) / durationNanos
                if (fraction >= 1.0f) {
                val interpolatedFraction = interpolator.getInterpolation(fraction)
                pointMap = evaluator.evaluate(interpolatedFraction, startValue, endValue)

override fun onDetachedFromWindow() {

override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas?) {
    // pointMap.values
    //        .filter { it != zeroPoint }
    //        .forEach { canvas.drawCircle(it.x, it.y, circleRadius, circlePaint) }

Low performance, discrete frames

Low performance, interpolated frames


We learned how to integrate TensorFlow Lite into your project, explored the TensorFlow support library package, analyzed the Posenet model, discussed what the inference is and leveraged the CameraX API to efficiently analyze the camera feed in real time. You can apply many of the concepts discussed here to other use cases, too, and to give you a quick start I will prepare an open source sample project showcasing the on-device machine learning kit.

Thanks for your time!